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Diabetes Prevention at Work

People with diabetes have to live with constant limitations every day, including at work. Diabeteic patients face unique challenges at the worksite but these can be easily overcome with education and small adjustments to the wrokplace. In this episode we discuss how employers can maximize the health and productivity of their workers with diabetes by being more aware of common concerns in the workplace.
Offering employee benefits such as diabetes prevention program can reduce absenteeism and presenteeism; and increase productivity.

To learn how we can make accomodations for diabetic workers and even prevent diabetes in the workplace I have a special guest Ana Almedia- DoRosario, who is Community Outreach Coordinator for Lifespan.

In this episode you can learn:

  • What is Diabetes and how does it affect patients lives?
  • Tips to manage diabetes and pre-diabetes.
  • What is the CDC Diabetes Prevention Program for Workplaces
  • How does the Diabetes Prevention Program Work?
  • Benefits of adding Diabetes Prevention Program as an employee benefit.

Our guest Ana Almeida-DoRosario is a Community Outreach Coordinator for Lifespan. She is a certified Group Fitness Instructor and Health Coach. She is a certified Group Fitness Instructor certificate and Health coach. Much of her work has been focused on coordinating health and wellness programs in public health and youth development settings. Under her leadership, Lifespan’s Diabetes Prevention Program was the 2022 recipient of the Grace Diaz Blue Light Award.

You can reach her at:


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Aesha Tahir is an award-winning author, keynote speaker, corporate trainer, and columnist.  She delivers high-energy presentations that challenge audiences to leverage their focus to what matters most at work and in life, their health. Audiences love the practical strategies she shares. She helps the organizations create a culture of wellness by implementing health programs that put organizations’ biggest asset, the employees first.

 Aesha earned her Master in Exercise Science from Concordia University. She is a distinguished Toastmasters, a designation held by less than 1% of professional speakers. She engages groups from the moment she steps in front of them and leaves them with empowering tools that they can use for the rest of their lives. She has presented workshops and spoken at organizations such as Salesforce, Coffman Engineers, Pyramid Club, Voyager Media Group, National Libraries, 92NY, and Coaching4Leaders to name a few.

🌟 🌟 🌟. You can learn more about Aesha Tahir at and follow her on LinkedIn: 🌟 🌟 🌟

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